SUMMARYFeathers can produce sound by fluttering in airflow. This flutter is hypothesized to be aeroelastic, arising from the coupling of aerodynamic forces to one or more of the feather's intrinsic structural resonance frequencies. We investigated how mode of flutter varied among a sample of hummingbird tail feathers tested in a wind tunnel. Feather vibration was measured directly at 100 points across the surface of the feather with a scanning laser Doppler vibrometer (SLDV), as a function of airspeed, U air . Most feathers exhibited multiple discrete modes of flutter, which we classified into types including tip, trailing vane and torsional modes. Vibratory behavior within a given mode was usually stable, but changes in independent variables such as airspeed or orientation sometimes caused feathers to abruptly 'jump' from one mode to another. We measured structural resonance frequencies and mode shapes directly by measuring the free response of 64 feathers stimulated with a shaker and recorded with the SLDV. As predicted by the aeroelastic flutter hypothesis, the mode shape (spatial distribution) of flutter corresponded to a bending or torsional structural resonance frequency of the feather. However, the match between structural resonance mode and flutter mode was better for tip or torsional mode shapes, and poorer for trailing vane modes. Often, the 3rd bending structural harmonic matched the expressed mode of flutter, rather than the fundamental. We conclude that flutter occurs when airflow excites one or more structural resonance frequencies of a feather, most akin to a vibrating violin string. (SLDV). This device shines a coherent laser on the surface of the feather and uses the Doppler shift of reflected light to calculate the instantaneous velocity in the direction parallel to the laser, across a series of points. SLDV does not require a reflectent to be applied to the surface, unlike regular LDV (Bostwick et al., 2010), allowing its use on objects as small as hummingbird feathers. We measured the feathers in the wind tunnel (see Clark et al., 2013), and also measured the resonance characteristics of a series of feathers stimulated across a range of frequencies by a shaker, an experimental paradigm in which the operating deflection shape approximates the normal modes. We also describe a related aspect of flutter with evolutionary significance: feathers may exhibit a dozen or more modes of flutter, and can abruptly switch or 'jump' from one mode of flutter to another.
MATERIALS AND METHODSThe wind tunnel, general methods and definitions for this experiment are as described in the companion paper (Clark et al., 2013). The feathers tested were from wild adult males of 14 species of 'bee' hummingbird (McGuire et al., 2009), obtained in the course of our fieldwork on each of these species under the relevant collecting and import permits. The exact feathers used and the species from which they were obtained are tabulated in the supplementary online material of our previous publications (Clark et al., 2011a;Cla...