“…TeamSTEPPS emphasizes training on communication and teamwork skills which can impact each of the aims for improving population health outcomes. Other teaching-learning strategies identified in the literature and on the Association of Community Health Nursing Educators (ACHNE)website include digital stories (LeBlanc, 2017), poster presentations(Rohlik & Krumwiede, 2020), case studies, and e-Learning modules(Eardley et al, 2018), video production(Kwon et al, 2021), role play, simulations(Aslan, 2020), videos, games, clickers, debates, photo journals, tabletop exercises, book discussions, and service-learning experiences (Association of Community Health Nursing Educators, 2022). [Correction added on 21 February 2023, after first online publication: In the preceding sentence, '(Association of Community Health Nursing Education, 2022)' has been corrected to '(Association of Community Health Nursing Educators, 2022)' in this version.]…”