Since its introduction into integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing by IBM Corporation in the mid-1980s, chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) has become a key enabling technology in the semiconductor industry. All of the major IC manufacturers including Intel, Motorola, and IBM now incorporate CMP in the production of their chips. In addition to IC production, CMP applications have spread into other manufacturing processes including dynamic random access memory (DRAM) chips, hard drives, and modem chips.Given the magnitude of capital invested in this technology, there is a large impetus to develop a fundamental understanding of the process. Research with this goal in mind is being performed; however, an overall understanding of the process remains elusive because of the multidisciplinary nature of CMP. Researchers have focused on individual aspects of the process, such as slurry chemistry, 1-5 wafer-pad dynamics, 6-8 mechanisms, [9][10][11][12][13][14] and numerical simulations of the slurry fluid mechanics. [15][16][17] There has been, however, little experimental research regarding slurry fluid mechanics.Several researchers have commented on the importance of slurry flow and slurry distribution beneath the wafer although the importance of slurry flow has not been experimentally demonstrated. Stavreva et al. 18 discussed how the pad's ability to transport slurry could affect the polishing rate and uniformity during copper CMP. Parikh found that slurry flow rate had a large effect on the polishing uniformity on an orbital polisher. 19 Ali et al. 20 stated that the slurry composition, flow rate, and direction of slurry impingement onto the polishing pad all play important roles in interdielectric removal rates. Singer 21 reported that the manner in which slurry is transported from the outside of the wafer to its center is critically important. Sugimoto et al. 22 showed that slurry transport in grooved pads is important in reducing thermal gradients across a wafer. Since polishing rates are temperature dependent, a reduction in thermal gradients across the wafer is believed to reduce the within-wafer-nonuniformity. Ali et al. 23 postulated that the degradation in the removal rates of pads without conditioning is due to the decrease in the pad's slurry holding capacity. Liang et al. 24 postulated that Cabot's new open cell pads do not need macroscopic surface topography because of the pad's efficiency in channeling the slurry. Despite the fact that slurry flow generally is considered to be an important factor in the CMP process, there has not been an experimental study of the slurry flow or a numerical simulation sophisticated enough to examine the slurry behavior under realistic conditions. Slurry transport and mixing could influence the polishing performance in two ways: (i) transport of polished material and (ii) nonuniform slurry transport. The first mechanism was postulated by Cook in his research on glass polishing. 4 Cook suggested that polishing removal rate is influenced by the transport of polished materi...