Wet magnetic separation is the most common operation in the enrichment of oxidized iron ores (Karmazin 2005, Kirnarsky 2017, Oleynik 2014). Wastewater discharged after separation is a polydisperse suspension with different physicochemical nature of the components. The particle sizes of the suspension are in the range from 3 to less than 0.005 mm, the mass yield of the smallest fraction is from 60 to 90%. The solid phase contains at least 60% silicon oxide, more than 14% iron compounds and 1,8-3,0% dust and clay particles. After reagentless sedimentation in sludge collectors, partially clarified wastewater is sent to the recycled water pools and after additional sedimentation is reused in production. In ensuring the quality of iron ore concentrates, special attention is paid to the preparation of raw materials, while the influence of the quality of recycled water is practically not considered. However, the recycled water used in the enrichment process contains a large number of fine particles, more than 80% of which have a size of less than 74 microns (Chen et al. 2017 and Jiwei Bian et al. 2018). Reagentless sedimentation method does not satisfy modern requirements due to low-speed deposition sedimentation stable suspensions of fine particle size up to 10-6-10-7 m. The complexity of enrichment for weakly magnetic iron ores is associated with their sludgingfixing of thin (less than 0.5 microns) particles on the surface of ore and non-metallic minerals (Gubin et al. 2016). As a rule, particles of quartz and clay impurities are fixed on ore particles. On non-ore particles are fixed iron hydroxide, hematite, magnetite, siderite and other iron-containing minerals. The process of adhesion of suspensions is intensified at wet enrichment in a strong magnetic field with an induction of 0.6-1.4 T. There is a decrease in the specific magnetic susceptibility of the ore phase and its increase for the non-ore one. Ravinskaya (2019) proposes to process iron ore pulp with ultrasound to eliminate the negative impact of adhering silicate's fine particles with a size of 0.001-0.005 mm. It is noted that the purification of ore and non-ore particles from adhering sludge allows to increase the yield of commercial concentrate by 2.37-4.0% and to increase the extraction of total iron into the concentrate by 3.25-3.45%. Thus, the high concentration of suspended solids of the source rock remaining in the recycled water makes it difficult to reuse it during enrichment. Therefore, it is advisable to increase the deposition rate of fine particles by adding flocculants to the water, which are widely used in such cases (Spehar et al. 2015, Van Deventer et al. 2011 and Artemiev 2017). With increasing particle deposition rate, the frequency of water turnover cycles increases, which creates favorable economic conditions for existing industries and is of considerable interest for the design of local high-speed thickeners and settling tanks, since it allows to abandon bulky sludge collectors and settling ponds that cause significant harm to the env...