We propose the design of Plug, an application to find and keep contacts with friends within many inter-connected 3D virtual worlds. Users use an instant messenger (IM)-like interface to converse with friends and find new contacts, using a virtual representation of the user's self. It consists of three parts: a plug is an automatous agent / avatar situated at a user's computer that reflects and mimics its owner's behaviors and interests; a plugspace is a virtual environment that can be inter-connected, with scales ranging from a room to an entire virtual universe; and plugtalk is a set of packet formats and protocols that allow plugspaces to inter-connect, and individual plugs to navigate. Plug utilizes standards whenever possible, and is designed to be scalable, extensible, and customizable for various uses such as distance learning, virtual shopping, or online gaming. By combining the looks of 3D virtual worlds and the accessibility of IMs, we envision Plug as a step towards common virtual world experiences sharable by all Internet users.