In 1995 the author, Jones, and Segal introduced the notion of "Floer homotopy theory" [12]. The proposal was to attach a (stable) homotopy type to the geometric data given in a version of Floer homology. More to the point, the question was asked, "When is the Floer homology isomorphic to the (singular) homology of a naturally occuring (pro)spectrum defined from the properties of the moduli spaces inherent in the Floer theory?". A proposal for how to construct such a spectrum was given in terms of a "framed flow category", and some rather simple examples were described. Years passed before this notion found some genuine applications to symplectic geometry and low dimensional topology. However in recent years several striking applications have been found, and the theory has been developed on a much deeper level. Here we summarize some of these exciting developments, and describe some of the new techniques that were introduced. Throughout we try to point out that this area is a very fertile ground at the interface of homotopy theory, symplectic geometry, and low dimensional topology.