Forests and soils absorb rainwater naturally. New colonies were established without proper environment evaluations in cities and isolated areas. Hydrology analysis uses meteorological data and catchment physical characteristics to estimate discharge in river and drain systems. A few 2D hydrodynamic software, such as HECRAS and ICM, can produce flood hazard maps for urban and river catchments. By combining 1D and 2D modelling, catchments can be fully modeled, including below-ground and above-ground elements. The river and flood plain model have three main components: hydrology, 1D, and 2D models. River and 2D model for flood plain with sub-catchment info imported to create hydrological and hydraulic components. The IFSAR 3D ground model is supplied by the Department of Irrigation and Drainage and offers crucial information for 2D hydraulic analysis. Emphasize accurate ground model data for future service providers. Therefore, the flood area in Sg. Jijan is 2922.316m in current land (CL) for 100 ARI and after future land (FL) 391.185m in 100 ARI. Lastly, the number of houses affected by the flood is 148 houses in 100 ARI future land.