The conceptual idea of focus of this chapter is How AI can make human ‘Super Smart'. Our theme is the Super Smart Society, the technologically advanced society in which the use of data and artificial intelligence improves people's lives. The first chapter discusses Smart City Augmented with Artificial Intelligence and Super Smart Civilizations. It looks at the directions or barriers to governmental AI and sees the extent of the role played by AI in policy-making, decision making and provision of services. The use of AI in governance is being practiced in many towns and countries and there are so many instances. The investigation found four themes: AI, latest interface to the citizens, security & privacy and smart infrastructure. The sections in this chapter for AI governance can help policymakers and governments look forward to the global model. Society6. 0 and the future of AI in public administration and that deals with advanced of AI and social implication. This chapter therefore concludes on how AI may create a super intelligent, secure and moral society.