Extraordinary precipitation events have impacted the United States recently, including Hurricanes Harvey (2017) and Florence (2018), with 3-day precipitation totals larger than any others reported in the United States during the past 70 years. The rainfall category (R-CAT) scaling method is used here to document extreme precipitation events and test for trends nationally. The R-CAT scale uses thresholds of 3-day precipitation total in 100-mm increments (starting with 200 mm) that do not vary temporally or geographically, allowing for simple, intuitive comparisons of extremes over space and time. The paper that introduced the scale only required levels 1–4 to represent historical extremes, finding that R-CATs 3–4 strike the conterminous United States about as frequently as EF 4–5 tornadoes or category 3–5 hurricanes. Remarkably, Florence and Harvey require extending the scale to R-CAT 7 and 9, respectively. Trend analyses of annual maximum 3-day totals (1950–2019) here identify significant increases in the eastern United States, along with declines in Northern California and Oregon. Consistent with these results, R-CAT storms have been more frequent in the eastern, and less frequent in western, United States during the past decade compared to 1950–2008. Tropical storms dominate R-CAT events along the southeastern coast and East Coast with surprising contributions from atmospheric rivers, while atmospheric rivers completely dominate along the West Coast.