We show that Floquet engineering with circularly polarized light (CPL) can selectively split the valley degeneracy of a twisted multilayer graphene (TMG), and thus generate a controlled valleypolarized Floquet Chern flat band with tunable large Chern number. It offers a feasible optical way to manipulate the valley degree of freedom in moiré flat bands, and hence opens new opportunities to study the valleytronics of morié flat band systems. We thus expect that many of the valley-related properties of TMG, e.g. orbital ferromagnetism, can be switched by CPL with proper doping. We reveal a Chern number hierarchy rule for the Floquet flat bands in a generic (M+N)-layer TMG. We also illustrate that the CPL effects on TMG strongly rely on the stacking chirality, which is an unique feature of TMG. All these phenomena could be tested in the twisted double bilayer graphene systems, which is the simplest example of TMG and has already been realized in experiment.