We study the effects of a periodically driven electric field applied to a variety of tight-binding models in one dimension. We first consider a noninteracting system with or without a staggered on-site potential, and we find that periodic driving can generate states localized completely or partially near the ends of a finite-sized system. Depending on the system parameters, such states have Floquet eigenvalues lying either outside or inside the continuum of eigenvalues of the bulk states. In the former case, we find that these states are completely localized at the ends and are true edge states, while in the latter case, the states are not completely localized at the ends although the localization can be made almost perfect by tuning the driving parameters. We then consider a system of two bosonic particles which have an on-site Hubbard interaction and show that a periodically driven electric field can generate two-particle states which are localized at the ends of the system. We show that many of these effects can be understood using a Floquet perturbation theory which is valid in the limit of a large staggered potential or large interaction strength. Some of these effects can also be understood qualitatively by considering time-independent Hamiltonians which have a potential at the sites at the edges; Hamiltonians of these kinds effectively appear in a Floquet-Magnus analysis of the driven problem. Finally, we discuss how the edge states produced by periodic driving of a noninteracting system of fermions can be detected by measuring the differential conductance of the system.