Spontaneous symmetry breaking is a fundamental concept in many areas of physics, ranging from cosmology and particle physics to condensed matter 1 . A prime example is the breaking of spatial translation symmetry, which underlies the formation of crystals and the phase transition from liquid to solid. Analogous to crystals in space, the breaking of translation symmetry in time and the emergence of a "time crystal" was recently proposed 2,3 , but later shown to be forbidden in thermal equilibrium [4][5][6] . However, nonequilibrium Floquet systems subject to a periodic drive can exhibit persistent time-correlations at an emergent sub-harmonic frequency [7][8][9][10] . This new phase of matter has been dubbed a "discrete time crystal" (DTC) 10,11 . Here, we present the first experimental observation of a discrete time crystal, in an interacting spin chain of trapped atomic ions. We apply a periodic Hamiltonian to the system under many-body localization (MBL) conditions, and observe a sub-harmonic temporal response that is robust to external perturbations. Such a time crystal opens the door for studying systems with long-range spatial-temporal correlations and novel phases of matter that emerge under intrinsically non-equilibrium conditions 7 .For any symmetry in a Hamiltonian system, its spontaneous breaking in the ground state leads to a phase transition 12 . The broken symmetry itself can assume many different forms. For example, the breaking of spinrotational symmetry leads to a phase transition from paramagnetism to ferromagnetism when the temperature is brought below the Curie point. The breaking of spatial symmetry leads to the formation of crystals, where the continuous translation symmetry of space is replaced by a discrete one.We now pose an analogous question: can the translation symmetry of time be broken? The proposal of such a "time crystal" 2 for time-independent Hamiltonians has led to much discussion, with the conclusion that such structures cannot exist in the ground state or any thermal equilibrium state of a quantum mechanical system 4-6 . A simple intuitive explanation is that quantum equilibrium states have time-independent observables by construction; thus, time translation symmetry can only be spontaneously broken in non-equilibrium systems 7-10 . In particular, the dynamics of periodically-driven Floquet systems possesses a discrete time translation symmetry governed by the drive period. This symmetry can be further broken into "super-lattice" structures where physical observables exhibit a period larger than that of the drive. Such a response is analogous to commensurate charge density waves that break the discrete translation symmetry of their underlying lattice 1 . The robust subharmonic synchronization of the many-body Floquet system is the essence of the discrete time crystal phase 7-10 . In a DTC, the underlying Floquet drive should generally be accompanied by strong disorder, leading to manybody localization 13 and thereby preventing the quantum system from absorbing the drive energy...