The total column ozone (O3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels based on the satellite remote sensing for a period from 2005 to 2020 along with air temperature, rainfall and burned area in three biomes (Cerrado, Pantanal, and Atlantic Forest) from Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil was evaluated. The annual variations of O3 ranged from 260 DU for the Pantanal to 347 DU for the Cerrado. Whereas the NO2 concentrations ranged from 2.95×1015 molecules for the Cerrado to 3.01×1015 molecules for the Atlantic Forest. The differences between NO2 and O3 concentrations on monthly and seasonal time scales, with higher values during the dry period (between July and October). The NO2 and O3 concentrations positively correlated with the burn areas in Pantanal and Cerrado, while the rainfall negatively correlated with these gases’ concentrations in these biomes The first principal component in all biomes is a comparison between rainfall and NO2, O3, a burned area, and air temperature with higher values of eigenvalues for the burned area in Pantanal, followed by Cerrado and Atlantic Forest, indicating more fires in Pantanal. Rainfall showed the highest value in the first principal components (PC). The second component in the Atlantic Forest was a balance between rainfall and air temperature with NO2, O3 and burned area. In the Cerrado and Pantanal, a comparison is made between burned area and NO2, with rainfall, air temperature and O3. There are differences in the behavior of NO2 and O3 concentrations in biomes, driven by different environmental and anthropic variables.