This paper aims to study the effect of flow rate (0.42∼2.09 m/s) on the corrosion behavior of WB36CN1 steel pipe in the simulated secondary circuit water environment (170°C, 6 mg/L ethanolamine + 100 µg/L NaCl), for which an autoclave was used to simulate the secondary circuit environment for carrying out related experiments.
The corrosion behaviors were studied by electrochemical methods, morphological observations and elemental analysis.
As flow rate increases, the amplitude of the current noise fluctuates increased, noise resistance Rn and spectral noise resistance Rsn decreased, the shear stress on the surface of WB36CN1 steel increases, the oxygen content on the surface decreases, the roughness becomes smaller. Meanwhile, the energy of energy distribution plot is concentrated at high frequencies under the three flow conditions, the slopes of current power spectral density curve approach 0 db/decade. This means that the oxide on the surface becomes less and corrosion rate increases with increasing flow rate. The corrosion type of WB36CN1 steel was uniform corrosion; the degree of uniform corrosion is higher at high flow rate.
The effect of flow rate on the corrosion behavior of WB36CN1 steel pipe in the secondary circuit water environment was studied by using electrochemical methods in the laboratory. The effect mechanism of flow rate for corrosion behavior was obtained.