The problem of heat and mass transfer of Sisko nanofluid flowing through a nonlinear stretching sheet under the influence of chemical reaction, heat source, magnetohydrodynamics, and thermal radiation is examined in this study. The controlling model equations are rendered dimensionless, and the resulting set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations are solved utilizing the shooting technique for the nondimensional velocity, temperature, and concentration profiles, along with Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg's method of fourth order. Using symbolic software MAPLE, the properties of numerous relevant parameters, including the chemical reaction parameter, Lewis number, thermophoresis parameter, Brownian motion parameter, Biot number, material parameter of the Sisko fluid, magnetic field parameter, power law index, radiation parameter and generalized Prandtl number are presented graphically and quantitatively discussed. Further, the local Sherwood number and the local Nusselt numbers are calculated, presented in the table, and compared with existing literature. The results of our investigation show that the Sisko fluid's material properties increase the velocity profile, while increase in magnetic field and chemical reaction decrease it. In the same vein, the temperature distribution of the fluid decreases with increasing magnetic field, Biot number, thermophoresis parameter, and Lewis number, but increases when chemical reaction occurs. Concentration profiles are augmented by positive increases in the magnetic field and Brownian motion, but they plunge with increases in Lewis numbers, Biot numbers, chemical reactions, and thermophoresis parameters.