Ballet, D.; Viallard, A. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1974, 6, 895. Otin, S.; Thomas, G.; Peiro, J. M.; Velasco, I.; Gutierrez Losa, C.ABSTRACT Eleven narrow fractions between 3.78 X lo3 and 2.62 X lo5 g/mol of poly(terephthalic acid-4-aminobenzohydrazide) were studied in dimethyl sulfoxide. The molecular weight dependence of the intrinsic viscosity, molecular anisotropy, radius of gyration, and the diffusion coefficient, Do, was used to derive a persistence length, q, of 105 h 10 A. The trend found in Do, being less sensitive to chain expansion in a good solvent, supports the neglect of correcting molecular dimensions for the excluded-volume effect. An application of the Yamakawa-Stockmayer treatment for the expansion factor, as, for wormlike chains shows that the Kuhn limit is reached a t nearly 6 X lo4 g/mol while a: does not exceed 1.05 at a molecular weight of 2 X lo5 g/mol.