This paper aims to describe a proposal for an innovative method of normal shock wave–turbulent boundary layer interaction (SBLI) and shock-induced separation control.
The concept is based on the introduction of a tangentially moving wall upstream of the shock wave and in the interaction region. The SBLI control mechanism may be implemented as a closed belt floating on an air cushion, sliding over two cylinders and forming the outer skin of the suction side of the airfoil. The presented exploratory numerical study is conducted with SPARC solver (steady 2D RANS). The effect of the moving wall is presented for the NACA 0012 airfoil operating in transonic conditions.
To assess the accuracy of obtained solutions, validation of the computational model is demonstrated against the experimental data of Harris, Ladson & Hill and Mineck & Hartwich (NASA Langley). The comparison is conducted not only for the reference (impermeable) but also for the perforated (permeable) surface NACA 0012 airfoils. Subsequent numerical analysis of SBLI control by moving wall confirms that for the selected velocity ratios, the method is able to improve the shock-upstream boundary layer and counteract flow separation, significantly increasing the airfoil aerodynamic performance.
The moving wall concept as a means of normal shock wave–turbulent boundary layer interaction and shock-induced separation control has been investigated in detail for the first time. The study quantified the necessary operational requirements of such a system and practicable aerodynamic efficiency gains and simultaneously revealed the considerable potential of this promising idea, stimulating a new direction for future investigations regarding SBLI control.