In this study, we show that natural phototrophic populations can be probed individually for their in situ ␦ 13 C signature by linking fluorescence-activated cell sorting and isotope-ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) using in-line pyrolytic methylation. This novel methodology greatly improved the resolution in discriminating and tracing the differential carbon (C) pathways at the base of the pelagic food web in the cyanobacteria-dominated Lake Loosdrecht (The Netherlands). Our analysis revealed the co-occurrence of phytoplankton taxa differing by 6-10‰ in ␦ 13 C. Predominant micro-and mesozooplankton species reflected this difference as the result of preferential grazing and/ or selective digestion. Flow cytometric (FCM) retrieval of phytoplankton ␦
13C signatures, applied in conjunction with 13 C-carbonate labeling, also enabled an assessment of in situ population-specific growth rates. Diatoms and green algae exhibited up to ninefold higher growth rates than those for cyanobacterial species. The coexistence of phytoplankton populations widely differing in ␦ 13 C, standing stock, and turnover time has important implications for the interpretation of C transfer in pelagic food webs. Our approach disclosed a disproportional impact on trophic cascades by numerically minor phototrophs that otherwise would have gone unnoticed. Despite the abundance of cyanobacterial-derived C, the zooplankton largely rely on eukaryotic algae for growth. Rotifers take a central position in passing on this algal C to the cyclopoid copepod populations in the lake. The bosminid-dominated cladoceran population uses both the cyanobacterial-and algal-derived C in approximately equal shares.