DOI: 10.1002/chem.201903951
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Flow‐Induced Precipitation in Thin Capillaries Creates Helices, Lamellae, and Tubes

Abstract: Precipitation reactions under flow in confined media are relevant to the control of pathological biomineralization, processes affecting aquifers, and challenges in the petroleum industry. Here we show that for a simple geometry, such conditions create macroscopic structures including helices, tubes, lamellae, slugs, and disordered patterns. All structures emerge when salt solution is slowly injected into thin capillaries filled with hydroxide solution. For the helices, the pitch is proportional to the pump rat… Show more

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Cited by 8 publications
(8 citation statements)
References 44 publications
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“…Since Ri 4 0.25, the arising shear is not strong enough to generate Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, which is known to generate periodic patterns in reactive systems. 38 Our PIV measurements show that the outer fluid at the vicinity of the freshly formed hydrogel flows in the same direction with the head with a velocity even somewhat greater than the progression of the tube tip itself (see Fig. S4, ESI †).…”
confidence: 75%
“…Since Ri 4 0.25, the arising shear is not strong enough to generate Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, which is known to generate periodic patterns in reactive systems. 38 Our PIV measurements show that the outer fluid at the vicinity of the freshly formed hydrogel flows in the same direction with the head with a velocity even somewhat greater than the progression of the tube tip itself (see Fig. S4, ESI †).…”
confidence: 75%
“…They consist of two thin walls defining a thin conduit filled with the injected solution. Depending on the employed concentrations, a great variety of other patterns is observed including more compact structures that have needle-like, sharp, or diffuse borders between the two solutions. , Moreover, our group investigated chemical-garden reactions in Y-shaped microfluidic channels and found that in many cases, the thickness of the precipitate membrane increases as the square root of time revealing that membrane thickening is diffusion-controlled. Knoll et al also investigated flow-driven precipitation reactions in thin capillaries and observed interesting structures including helical precipitates.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 92%
“…23,24 Moreover, our group investigated chemical-garden reactions in Y-shaped microfluidic channels and found that in many cases, the thickness of the precipitate membrane increases as the square root of time revealing that membrane thickening is diffusioncontrolled. 25−27 Knoll et al 28 also investigated flow-driven precipitation reactions in thin capillaries and observed interesting structures including helical precipitates.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…This injection method allowed the identification of distinct growth regimes as well as systematic measurements of shape parameters and growth speeds in terms of well-defined parameters . It also formed the basis of recent studies that investigated chemical garden growth under spatial confinement created by Hele-Shaw cells, glass capillaries, and microfluidic channels. …”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%