The two-stage switch-on dynamics of a nematic pi-cell are explored in detail using a convergent beam fully-leaky guided mode technique. The cell shows an initial switch-on with a time scale in the range several ms to tens of ms ͑depending on drive voltage͒ from the symmetrical H state to a new and semistable H state. It then slowly changes ͑over several hundred ms͒ to the final stable asymmetrical H state. © 2005 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.1806544͔ Nematic liquid crystals form the basis of the majority of flat screen displays. Much interest has focused on pi-cells, [1][2][3] in which the director has parallel surface tilts, with liquid crystals of positive dielectric anisotropy. There are three different director states in such cells, a horizontal state, or H state, a twisted vertical state, or T state and a planar vertical state or V state, depending upon the surface tilts and the elastic constants of the material. Under application of an electric field, there are possible transitions between the different states which have been considered in device applications. [3][4][5] There exists a very well-accepted theory concerning flow and dynamic effects in nematic liquid crystals which was developed by Ericksen 6,7 and Leslie. 8 in the 1960's, and later simplified by Berreman and van Doorn.9,10 However, there are only a few detailed experimental confirmations of many of its predictions. Some simple experiments 11,12 have confirmed the theoretically predicted "backflow" in a twisted nematic cell during switch-off by recording an optical "bounce" effect in transmission. However almost all experiments have been based on transmission or reflection observations during switching and as such the optical signal from the liquid crystal cell is an integrated response. Only recently, by using a convergent beam optical guided wave technique 13,14 has the switching process 15,16 in a twisted nematic cell been studied in detail providing convincing detailed evidence of the validity of the Ericksen-Leslie theory. In this present study, a convergent beam system is used to investigate the switch-on dynamics of a pi-cell, finding a two-stage switching process.The cell is comprised of two low index glass plates ͑n = 1.5170 at 632.8 nm͒, each coated inside by a thin ͑ϳ50 nm͒ layer of indium tin oxide ͑ITO͒, on top of which are surface aligning layers of rubbed polyimide. The rubbing directions are parallel and the plates are spaced by 5.0 m beads. A monodomain is obtained by filling the cell with liquid-crystal E7 ͑Merck͒ in the isotropic phase and slowly cooling to room temperature.This cell is inserted between the two glass hemispheres, optical contact being achieved with matching fluid all having the same index as the glass substrates. This complete assembly is placed so that the center of the sample is at the focus of a monochromatic light beam ͑see Fig. 1͒. The light beam is collimated into a less-coherent parallel beam of diameter about 5 cm by using one rotating and one fixed diffuser and a beam expander. Thi...