“…Reactants were mixed in a 1 : 1 mole ratio in CD3CN solution, and the spectrum monitored for the disappearance of starting material peaks, for the initial formation, maximum concen- Pyrazolinone formation is also quite facile in the reaction between (3a) and (4c); after 15 min no starting materials remain. In addition to product (15c), however, the E-methylhydrazone (9c) is now present in lesser but comparable amount, and its consumption, by the path (9) to (13)-( 15), requires an additional 24 h. The essential isomerization, (E)-(9c) to (2)-(13c), is assumed to proceed via the enamine tautomer (33) and the adverse effect of a-methylation upon this process finds precedent in the much slower rate of deprotonation (aqueous NaOH) of the keto form of ethyl z-methylacetoacetate (I) compared with the unbranched parent ester (11), k(ii) = 200 k(,,,, as noted by Alcais and Br~uillard.~' We note that other workers28 report a 10% yield of 2,3,4-trimethyl-3-pyrazolin-5-one (16c) along with a 50% yield of (15c) after an equimolar aqueous solution of ethyl z-methylacetoacetate (4c) and methylhydrazine (3a) was heated for 15 h at 70 "C.…”