High-vacuum naphthalene evaporation loss experimentswere conducted with a specially designed annular effusion cell to examine the validily of the most frequently used theoretical models of molecular $ow, specijcally applied to a high molec-; ular weigh1 organic compound. Literature data are similarly correlated to (a) show the respective accuracy of the various formulae and ( b ) discuss the mosl prevalent effusion experimental errors often causi?zg orders of magnitude d qferences between theoretical predictions and experimental results. A simplijed molecular $ow effusion model i s proposed, modi$ed to account for the evaporation rate and rate of vapor pressure change of polymeric lubricating oils. The results and conclusions are useful for accurale prediclions of long-term lubricant loss lhrough annular-design labyrinth seals of wet-lubricated aerospace mechanisms and vacuum chamber components. INTRODUCTION Currently there are no reliable performance prediction techniques dealing with the friction and wear life of drylubricated spacecraft components. Consequently, whenever possible, the use of low volatility oils and greases is preferred.For example, methods predicting bearing or gear fatigue (catalog) life based strictly on structural design and alloy selection are generally available. Further incorporation of the elastohydrodynamic theory is useful for oil-lubricated bearing or gear performance prognosis, provided that the mechanisms operate at known speeds, loads and temperatures (1, 2, 3). At the present time, however, each dry lubricant application must be life tested to establish confidence in completing an individual mission (4). NOMENCLATURE A = evaporation area, cm2 6 = molecular diameter, cm j = fraction of molecules diffusely reflected F = volume effusion rate, I .~e c -~ Fl = volume effusion rate, through the annular space only, I-sec-I F2 = volume effusion rate, through the annular orifice only, I-sec-I G = free-surface evaporation rate, g.~m-~.sec-' GT = time-dependent free-surface evaporation rate of polymeric fluids, g.~m-~.sec-' K = transmission probability (conductance) factor, dimensionless L = annular channel length, cm A = mean free path, cm m = molecular mass, g M = molecular weight, g 0 = circumference of the effusion channel, cm p = vapor pressure, torr Ap = pressuredifferential between the chamber or space vacuum and thevapor pressure= vapor pressure of the effusing compound, torr rr = 3.1415 Q = volume conductance a t a given pressure, torr.l.sec-I & = gas constant, 62.36 torr.1-T1-M-I R, = inner annular radius, cm Rr = outer annular radius, cm p = density, g -~m -~ L = time, sec T = absolute temperature, K V = vapor volume, 1 v, = average molecular velocity, cm.sec-' w = weight, g --dw -effusion weight loss, g-sec-I dl X = characteristic dimension of the effusion system, cm X/A = Knudsen number, dimensionless Downloaded by [University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)] at 21:59 21 June 2016With wet lubrication of aerospace mechanisms, the volatility characteristics of the oils and ...