An isothermal boundary layer analysis is presented for the convection flow of a second-order non-Newtonian fluid past a two-dimensional wedge embedded in a non-Darcian porous medium in the presence of significant thermal radiation, surface transpiration and Eckert viscous heating. Nonsimilar numerical solutions are generated for the shear stresses and local heat transfer rates at the surface of the wedge using the Keller difference technique extended to a higher matrix order. It is found that the heat transfer magnitude is enhanced by an increase in the radiative flux parameter (Boltzmann -Rosseland number, Bo), but depressed considerably with an increase in the viscoelasticity of the second-order fluid parameter, K. The surface shear stresses are markedly decreased with rise in the viscoelasticity parameter K. Conversely, surface lateral mass flux (transpiration) is seen to lower the shear stresses at the surface and to greatly boost the heat transfer there. The effects of Eckert heating are also presented graphically and discussed. Grashof number = ratio of buoyancy to viscous hydrodynamic forces,Reynolds number = ratio of inertial to viscous hydrodynamic force, U 0 L/ν; Pr Prandtl number = ratio of momentum and thermal diffusivities, ν/α m ; m wedge-law parameter i. e. power-law index; L reference length.Greek Symbols ε porosity of the porous medium; [5]. Other research into biomechanics of blood and plasma fluids has also emerged in the past several decades, as reported, for example, by Kang and Eringen [6]. Such fluids exhibit a flow behaviour which cannot be characterized by Newtonian relationships and therefore, they are referred to as non-Newtonian fluids. Most of the studies performed utilize the simpler constitutive formulations for non-Newtonian fluids, for example, Bingham plastics [7], visco-inelastic (power-law fluids) [8,9], etc. These fluids models allow for the generation of differential equations of the boundary-layer type (parabolic) which are numerically easier to solve.In recent years, with the advances in computing power, and simultaneous developments in more robust numerical solvers, engineering scientists have attempted more complex and realistic numerical simulations using the more advanced constitutive models for non-Newtonian fluids, as reviewed by Schowalter [10]. A large body of the literature has therefore emerged in the study of viscoelastic Such studies have dwelled on only two of the three fundamental modes of heat transfer, namely, conduction and convection. The presence of significant thermal radiation heat transfer in various geophysical and technological systems has, however, necessitated the need to extend such studies to incorporate thermal radiation heat transfer. Examples of geophysical processes invoking the three modes of heat transfer of viscoelastic materials include volcanic flows, hydrothermal systems, and other deep-earth processes [19]. In solar engineering structures, designed by civil engineers, thermal radiation effects (due to solar energy) occur in unison wi...