Trailing edge (TE) thickness is a manufacturing constraint in blade design, especially for airfoils with a sharp TE. To achieve a specific TE thickness, blade geometry is often modified during the design process, typically in the outer zone of the blade where the airfoil’s TE is thinner. This area has a significant impact on energy production and loads. Quantifying the effect of TE thickness modifications is crucial for making informed design decisions.
Therefore, this study quantifies and compares the impact of linear and polynomial geometry modifications on airfoil aerodynamics and turbine performance. Xfoil and OpenFAST were used to calculate these performance variations in the well-known NREL 5 MW wind turbine. The TE thickness of the model was modified to meet various manufacturing constraints, ranging from no restriction to a limit of 12mm TE thickness.
In terms of the aerodynamic behavior of the airfoils, the maximum efficiency of airfoils with low relative thickness decreases as the TE thickness increases. Annual Energy Production shows a reduction of up to 0.42% for the worst case, while blade root loads increase by up to 20%. For low relative thickness airfoils, the linear method has proven to be a better option with less impact on performance.