Flow separation is a natural phenomenon encountered at some cases downstream of multi-vent regulators. The main flow is divided into current flow and dead zone flow (reverse flow and weak forward flow). The length of flow separation must be taken into consideration downstream of regulators for canal side's protection and accurate flow measurement. The present study aims to analyze the flow separation downstream of regulators in sudden expanding stilling basin. An extensive experimental program has been conducted on a regulator model of five vents at the Hydraulic Research Institute (HRI). Empirical model based on the results of the dimensional analysis is proposed within this study to compute the dimensionless length of separation by using multiple linear regression analysis. Results revealed that the empirical model proposed can be used for practical applications in canal side's protection and flow measurements downstream of hydraulic structures. Keywordsseparation of flow, length of flow separation, sudden expanding channel, hydraulic structures, and velocity vectors.sides and the minimum distance of flow measurement downstream of multi-vent regulators based on the maximum width of flow separation zone only.