One fifth of the world’s population and critical infrastructures are close to the coast and regions of high-risk sea level rise elevation. The last decades have been characterized by increasing extreme events, including storm surges, flooding, coastal erosion, enhanced coastal vulnerability with associated livelihood, and economic losses. Nature-based engineering solutions are being adopted as sustainable solutions for helping existing technologies live their design life and providing climate change adaptation and resilience for coastal and riverine communities. This paper involves the investigation of nature-based eco-hydraulic soft coastal engineering to cultivate seaweed for coastal protection. In this context, the present study involves an advanced risk evaluation performed by conducting an extreme bore interaction with seaweed as a soft engineering coastal protection measure. The load reduction on the inland structure during extreme flooding conditions, incorporating seaweed, is addressed. The present study indicates that the load on inland structures can be reduced by as much as 14% in extreme flooding conditions in the presence of seaweed with two rows of seaweed, indicating the usage of seaweed as a part of coastal protection over existing site protection infrastructure for improved coastal mitigation.