An asymmetrical hypersonic inlet cowl lip was numerically studied to explore a new approach of thermal protection. Comparative analyses of the flowfield structure and wall heat transfer with a symmetrical cowl lip were conducted. Results indicate that the peak heat transfer rate to the wall of the asymmetrical cowl lip decreases greatly when an impinging shock intersects a bow shock. Without the impinging shock, the location of the peak heat transfer rate occurs on the wall with a small radius, which does not coincide with the location of the air stagnation point; and the wall peak heat transfer rate of the asymmetrical cowl lip is higher than those of the symmetrical cowl lip, unless the flow attack angle to the wall with a large radius exceeds 12 deg.
Ma= Mach number Q pw = peak value of the heat transfer rates to the wall, w∕m 2 Q w = heat transfer rates to the wall, w∕m 2 Q 0 = heat transfer rate at the air stagnation point at a Mach number of 8.03 without impinging oblique shock, w∕m 2 R as = radius of the large circular arc of an asymmetrical cowl lip, mm R s = radius of the symmetrical cowl lip, mm r as = radius of the small circular arc of an asymmetrical cowl lip, mm T = static temperature, K Y = ordinate of the cowl lip shape, m α = flow angle of attack, deg Φ = angular position on cylinder, deg