“…There are also nu mer ous doc u mented ex am ples of the dom i nation of mass sed i men ta tion type siliciclastics (i.e., slides, slumps and de bris flow de pos its) in mod ern sub aque ous sed i men tary en vi ron ments (e.g., Gardner et al, 1996Gardner et al, , 2000Elverhoi et al, 1997;Shanmugam, 1997;Klaucke et al, 2004;Tripsanas et al, 2004). As it tran spires, how ever, the com pos ite na ture of the depos its of deep-wa ter grav ity-driven pro cesses and pos si ble trans for ma tions of their types (see e.g., Unrug, 1963;Fisher, 1983;Shanmugam, 2006;Fe lix et al, 2009;Mulder, 2011), termi nol ogy and gen e sis still trig ger much de bate among ex perts (see e.g., the dis cus sion be tween Shanmugam, 2010 andMutti et al, 2010;see also Mulder, 2011;Talling et al, 2012;Shanmugam, 2012).…”