This paper presents the pioneer research being initiated and conducted by the late Acad. C. D. Nenitzescu and Acad. E. Cioranescu in the Department of Organic Chemistry of the University POLITEHNICA Bucharest, and the Center of Organic Chemistry of the Romanian Academy,. A review of these works seems necessary in order to emphasize the importance of the described researches in their theoretical and practical aspects. The dibenzo-cycloalkanes are compounds with interesting behavior, giving different rearranged products, difficult to obtain by other type of syntheses. The modification of the product stability given by adding a carbon atom is also of interest, the steric factor changing radically the behavior of homologue compounds. The potential biological activity of some of these compounds is important for practical applications. The studied compounds were the subject of several PhD theses of the members of Acad. Cioranescu’s research team. It should also be mentioned that the obtained bridged compounds are raw materials for interesting heterocyclic compounds like the tryptycene analogue prepared in collaboration with Acad. A. T. Balaban.