The FuZE sheared-flow-stabilized Z pinch at Zap Energy is simulated using whole-device modeling employing an axisymmetric resistive magnetohydrodynamic formulation implemented within the discontinuous Galerkin WARPXM framework. Simulations show formation of Z pinches with densities of approximately 10\textsuperscript{22} m\textsuperscript{-3} and total DD fusion neutron rate of 10\textsuperscript{7} per $\mu$s for approximately 2 $\mu$s. Simulation-derived synthetic diagnostics show peak currents and voltages within 10\% and total yield within approximately 30\% of experiment for similar plasma mass. The simulations provide insight into the plasma dynamics in the experiment and enable a predictive capability for exploring design changes on devices built at Zap Energy.