Detecting and isolating bugs that arise in parallel programs is a tedious and a challenging task. An especially subtle class of bugs are those that are scale-dependent: while smallscale test cases may not exhibit the bug, the bug arises in large-scale production runs, and can change the result or performance of an application. A popular approach to finding bugs is statistical bug detection, where abnormal behavior is detected through comparison with bug-free behavior. Unfortunately, for scale-dependent bugs, there may not be bug-free runs at large scales and therefore traditional statistical techniques are not viable. In this paper, we propose Vrisha, a statistical approach to detecting and localizing scale-dependent bugs. Vrisha detects bugs in large-scale programs by building models of behavior based on bug-free behavior at small scales. These models are constructed using kernel canonical correlation analysis (KCCA) and exploit scale-determined properties, whose values are predictably dependent on application scale. We use Vrisha to detect and diagnose two bugs caused by errors in popular MPI libraries and show that our techniques can be implemented with low overhead and low false-positive rates.