Orchid is an ornamental plant with high economic value and prospective to be cultivated. Flower development is influenced by genetic, physiological or environmental factors, such as light intensity, so controlling the flowering environment has considerable potential in influencing the quality of the flowers produced. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of light intensity from the west and from the east on the flowering and photosynthesis of Dendrobium orchids. This study used a completely randomized block design (RAKL). In this treatment there were 2 treatment factors which were repeated three times. The factor is sunlight with 2 times, namely T1: Morning – Afternoon and T2: Afternoon – Evening. The second factor is Orchid variety (V) V1 : BJS (Burane Jade Snow), V2 : TGUY (Tongchai Gold Uday Yellow), V3 : BJW (Burane Jade White), V4 : CG (Caesar Gold), V5 : PS ( Pure Smiles). The results showed that the number of blooms and the rate of photosynthesis increased in V1, V2, V4, and V5 planted at T1, but decreased in V3 when planted at T1, in V4 there was no difference in photosynthesis at T1 and T2, but the number of flowers blooming decreased at T2.