We prove that smooth solutions of non-ideal (viscous and resistive) incompressible magnetohydrodynamic equations satisfy a stochastic law of flux conservation. This property involves an ensemble of surfaces obtained from a given, fixed surface by advecting it backward in time under the plasma velocity perturbed with a random white-noise. It is shown that the magnetic flux through the fixed surface is equal to the average of the magnetic fluxes through the ensemble of surfaces at earlier times. This result is an analogue of the well-known Alfvén theorem of ideal MHD and is valid for any value of the magnetic Prandtl number. A second stochastic conservation law is shown to hold at unit Prandtl number, a random version of the generalized Kelvin theorem derived by Bekenstein-Oron for ideal MHD. These stochastic conservation laws are not only shown to be consequences of the non-ideal MHD equations, but are proved in fact to be equivalent to those equations. We derive similar results for two more refined hydromagnetic models, Hall magnetohydrodynamics and the two-fluid plasma model, still assuming incompressible velocities and isotropic transport coefficients.Finally, we use these results to discuss briefly the infinite-Reynolds-number limit of hydromagnetic turbulence and to support the conjecture that flux-conservation remains stochastic in that limit.