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Beknopte samenvatting
List of AbbreviationsΦ29p Φ29 packaging motor 10 αHL α-hemolysin 10 7R-αHL αHL variant with the mutations M113R, T115R, T117R, G119R, N121R, N123R, T125R 63 ABEL anti-Brownian electrokinetic 103 AeL aerolysin 50 AFM atomic force microscopy 5 APBS adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann solver 14 BC boundary condition 153 BD Brownian dynamics 48, 54 BNP biological nanopore 8 BSA bovine serum albumin 76 CD circular dichroism 19 CHARMM36 chemistry at Harvard macromolecular mechanics force field version 36 71 ClyA cytolysin A 10 ClyA-AS S. typhi wild-type ClyA variant with the mutations C87A,