We present numerical evidence supporting the validity of the Gallavotti-Cohen Fluctuation Theorem applied to the driven Lorentz gas with Nosé-Hoover thermostating. It is moreover argued that the asymptotic form of the fluctuation formula is independent of the amplitude of the driving force, in the limit where it is small. PACS numbers: 05.70. Ln, Over the last decade, different versions of fluctuation formulas have been the focus of a number of publications in the field of non-equilibrium statistical physics. In particular, dissipative deterministic dynamical systems with time-reversal symmetry have attracted some attention as potential candidates to model externally driven systems with a thermostating mechanism [1,2,3]. Two distinct results have been proposed, which, in the context of isokinetic thermostats, both characterize the fluctuations of entropy production. One, due to Evans and Searles [2], is usually referred to as transient fluctuation theorem, while the other, due to Gallavotti and Cohen [3], is simply known as the fluctuation theorem. The former addresses the fluctuations of the work done by the external forcing on the system, and the latter the fluctuations of the phase space contraction rate of non-equilibrium stationary states. It has been rigorously proved in the context of Anosov systems [3].To be definite, consider the externally driven periodic Lorentz gas with Gaussian thermostating [4]. The trajectory of a particle in between elastic collisions is described by the equationṗ = E − αp, where α = E · p/p 2 is a reversible damping mechanism that acts so as to keep the kinetic energy constant. α, the phase space contraction rate for this system is, as seen from its expression, equal to the work done on the particle divided by the constant temperature. Thus the work done on the particle is exactly compensated by the heat dissipation. In other words, work and heat dissipation statistics are identical for this system. Dolowschiák and Kovács [5] recently made the observation that work and phase space contraction rate fluctuations behave very differently for the externally driven Lorentz gas with Nosé-Hoover thermostating. On the one hand, the work fluctuations, whether large or small, obey the Evans-Searles formula, in agreement with similar observations made for other systems [6,7]. On the other hand, the authors observed that the phase space contraction rate fluctuations rapidly saturate. Moreover no observation of a linear regime of fluctuations in a limited range was reported. * thomas.gilbert@ulb.ac.beThe Nosé-Hoover thermostated Lorentz gas on a periodic lattice has phase space coordinates Γ = (q, p, ζ). Here q and p respectively denote the position and momentum of the particle, and ζ is the variable associated to the thermal reservoir. Between two elastic collisions, the dynamics is specified by the equationṡHere E denotes the external field, τ resp the relaxation time of the thermostat and T the temperature [13]. An essential difference between the Gaussian and Nosé-Hoover thermostated Lore...