In this note we employ concurrently techniques of generalized zeta-functions and compactification methods introduced in previous publications, to study the Halperin-Lubensky-Ma theory of induced weak first-order phase transitions applied to type-I superconducting films. We obtain closed formulas to the critical temperature and to the size temperature as functions of the film thickness. PACS number(s): 74.20.-z, 05.10Cc, 11.25.Hf Keywords: superconductivity, superconducting filmsThe Halperin-Lubensky-Ma (HLM) effect appeared about three decades ago [1]. It predicts a weak first-order phase transition in superconductors. This fact emerges by considering in the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) model the interaction between the intrinsic magnetic fluctuations and the order parameter. More generally, all the physical systems that are described by the Abelian-Higgs model present this phenomenon. Some examples are: the nematic-smectic A phase transition in liquid crystals [1,2], with the interaction between the smectic scalar order parameter and the vector director; the massless scalar electrodynamics in field theory [3], which presents the gauge field acquiring mass as an effect of its coupling with the scalar field.However, the size temperature associated to the HLM effect was determined to be too small which makes it very difficult to be detected experimentally. Recently, the mentioned effect has been studied in the context of type-I superconducting films [4,5,6,7,8]. In particular, Refs. [4,5,6] suggest the enhancement of first-order transition in superconducting films with respect to that in bulk materials, which at least qualitatively is corroborated in Ref. [8].In order to have a better understanding of HLM effect in films, in this note we extend some questions raised in Ref. [8]. In a field theoretical approach, we consider the GL model submitted to confinement between two planes a distance L apart from one another. This is done using a spatial compactification formalism presented in recent works [9,10,11,12,13]. Physically, for dimension d = 3, L corresponds to the thickness of a film-like superconducting material. We take into account the gauge fluctuations in absence of external magnetic field, and in the approximation of uniform order parameter ψ (x) = const. We investigate the critical behavior of the system as a function of the film thickness L, and in particular we focus on the L-dependence of the interesting thermodynamical quantities, as well as we discuss the plausibility of the presented results.Let us consider the Hamiltonian density of the GL model in Euclidean d-dimensional space,where ψ = ψ (x) is a complex field, and m 2 0 is the bare mass and A µ = A µ (x) (µ, ν = 1...d) is the gauge field. Notice that we are working in the mean field convention [14]. Accordingly, we use natural units (h = c = 1), and employ ξ 0 (the intrinsic coherence length) and K B T 0 (T 0 corresponds to the bulk mean field transition temperature), as length and energy scales, respectively. The fields and coordinates are rescaled byTh...