Complexity of dynamics is at the core of quantum many-body chaos and exhibits a hierarchical feature: higher-order complexity implies more chaotic dynamics. Conventional ergodicity in thermalization processes is a manifestation of the lowest order complexity, which is represented by the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) stating that individual energy eigenstates are thermal. Here, we propose a higher-order generalization of the ETH, named the k-ETH (k = 1, 2, . . . ), to quantify higher-order complexity of quantum many-body dynamics at the level of individual energy eigenstates, where the lowest order ETH (1-ETH) is the conventional ETH. The explicit condition of the k-ETH is obtained by comparing Hamiltonian dynamics with the Haar random unitary of the k-fold channel. As a non-trivial contribution of the higher-order ETH, we show that the k-ETH with k ≥ 2 implies a universal behavior of the kth Rényi entanglement entropy of individual energy eigenstates. In particular, the Page correction of the entanglement entropy originates from the higher-order ETH, while as is well known, the volume law can be accounted for by the 1-ETH. We numerically verify that the 2-ETH approximately holds for a nonintegrable system, but does not hold in the integrable case. To further investigate the information-theoretic feature behind the k-ETH, we introduce a concept named a partial unitary k-design (PU k-design), which is an approximation of the Haar random unitary up to the kth moment, where partial means that only a limited number of observables are accessible. The k-ETH is a special case of a PU k-design for the ensemble of Hamiltonian dynamics with random-time sampling. In addition, we discuss the relationship between the higher-order ETH and information scrambling quantified by out-of-time-ordered correlators. Our framework provides a unified view on thermalization, entanglement entropy, and unitary k-designs, leading to deeper characterization of higher-order quantum complexity.