According to the Second Law of thermodynamics, the evolution of physical systems has a preferred direction, that is characterized by some positive entropy production. Here we propose a direct way to measure the stochastic entropy produced while driving a quantum open system out of thermal equilibrium. The driving work is provided by a quantum battery, the system and the battery forming an autonomous machine. We show that the battery's energy fluctuations equal work fluctuations and check Jarzynski's equality. Since these energy fluctuations are measurable, the battery behaves as an embedded quantum work meter and the machine verifies a generalized fluctuation theorem involving the information encoded in the battery. Our proposal can be implemented with state-of-the-art opto-mechanical systems. It paves the way towards the experimental demonstration of fluctuation theorems in quantum open systems.
RESULTSHybrid opto-mechanical systems as autonomous machines. A hybrid opto-mechanical system consists in a qubit of ground (resp. excited) state |g (resp. |e ) and transition frequency ω 0 , parametrically coupled to a mechanical oscillator of frequency Ω ω 0 (See Fig. 1a). Recently, physical implementations of such hybrid systems have been realized on various platforms, e.g. superconducting qubits embedded in oscillating membranes 36 , nanowires coupled to diamond nitrogen vacancies 37 , or to semiconductor quantum dots 38 . The complete Hamiltonian of the hybrid system readsare the qubit and MO free Hamiltonians respectively. We have introduced the phonon annihilation operator b, and 1 m (resp. 1 q ) the identity on the MO (resp. qubit) Hilbert space. The coupling Hamiltonian is V qm =hg m |e e| ⊗ (b + b † ), where g m is the qubit-mechanical coupling strength. Of special interest for the present paper, the so-called ultra-strong coupling regime is defined as g m ≥ Ω, with ω 0 g m . It was recently demonstrated experimentally 38 .The Hamiltonian of the hybrid system can be fruitfully rewritten H qm = |e e| ⊗ H e m + |g g| ⊗ H g m with H g m = hΩb † b and H e m =hΩB † B +h(ω 0 − g 2 m /Ω)1 m , with B = b + (g m /Ω)1 m . It appears that the qubit bare energy states = e, g are stable under the dynamics and perfectly determine the evolution of the MO ruled by the Hamiltonian H m . Interestingly, H m preserves the statistics of coherent mechanical states, defined as |β = e β * b−βb † |0 , where |0 is the zerophonon state and β the complex amplitude of the field. Consequently, if the hybrid system is initially prepared in a product state | , β 0 , it remains in a similar product state | , β t at any time, with |β t = exp(−iH m t/h) |β 0 . The two possible mechanical evolutions are pictured in Fig. 1b between time t 0 = 0 and t = Ω/2π, in the phase space defined by the mean quadratures of the MO x = b + b † and p = −i b − b † . If the qubit is initially prepared in the state |e (resp. |g ), the mechanical evolution is a rotation around around the displaced origin (−g m /Ω, 0) (resp. the origin (0, 0)). Such displacement is c...