Power density spectra of electrical fluctuations in potential and current (during voltage clamp) Two general classes of models for conducting channels in squid axon membrane follow from the Hodgkin-Huxley (1) description of the ion current flow. The first of these, the twostate channel conductance, was suggested by them as a possible interpretation of their data. In these models their parameters m, n, and h represent the probability that a channel gate, consisting of subunits, is either in a position that allows ion passage (open configuration) or in a position that completely prevents it (closed configuration). 40-75,um) was placed in contact with the axon and filled with sea water. An electrically floating platinized-platinum wire (25 Mm/diameter) within the length of the inner pipette acted as an ac shunt to the sea water and lowered the equivalent resistance of the pipette (i.e., access resistance to the patch) to less than 30 ko (5). This pipette was mounted in a plexiglass holder filled with sea water in which two electrodes were placed-one for applying current and the other for measuring potential.The outer pipette (tip diameter, 200-300 Mm) was shorter than the inner by 300-400 Mum, and directed the flow of isosmotic sucrose solution (0.8 M) over the ring of axon surrounding the membrane area within the aperture of the inner pipette. The sucrose flow was very slow (one drop every 30 sec) and was swept out of the chamber (6) by flowing sea water, which was directed normal to the long axis of the axon. The solution in the chamber was grounded through a platinized-silver electrode.Axons were internally perfused as described (6). The standard internal perfusate was 0.5 M KF, buffered with 5 mM Tris * HCl to pH 7.4 at 250. The same patch isolation procedure was used for both intact and internally perfused axons.Measurement of the isolation, by application of constantcurrent rectangular pulses to the axon patch through the inner pipette during sucrose flow, gave apparent patch impedances, Zap, (i.e., membrane patch impedance in parallel with the sucrose shunt-path impedance) of 1-6 MU. By raising the current-source level, patch action potentials of 50-80 mV amplitude were recorded between the inner pipette and the chamber ground while the axon was in the flowing sea water and without any electrodes in the axon. These and other tests indicated that the isolation was more than adequate for observing the patch noise without high-level background noise (e.g., thermal noise of access resistances to the patch surfaces). Additional tests showed that the fluctuation wave-876