“…The amounts of u,'ater applied rvith these trvo freatments were slighth,-greater in most instances than the amouirts for the treatment irrigated at the bloom period, but considerably less than the application amounts for the \veekl-v scheclule, Treatment 2, and for the moisture block schedule u'ith 1.8 inches of r'vater per application, Treatment 4. \\r-eekly irrigation, Treatment 2, represeuts a case of over-irrigation as the application of considerable rvater in excess of that applied for Treatments L and 3 failed to produce an additional increase in f ield and quaiitl'. Itluch of the rvater for'freatment 2 u'as applied early in the season be{ore the soil moisture had been reduced to a critical level, but it -was insufficient in amount to cause appreciable soil leaching, as the yield was similar to the yisld obtained for ' These results agree u'ith other reports (3,4,8,10,12) with respect to total nitrogen and total alkaloids, and rvith Darkis et al (4) for potassium. The results for potassium are in disagreement with Schmid (10) …”