The P2X 7 nucleotide receptor (P2X 7 R) is an ATP-gated ion channel expressed in many cell types including osteoblasts and osteocytes. Mice with a null mutation of P2X 7 R have osteopenia in load bearing bones, suggesting that the P2X 7 R may be involved in the skeletal response to mechanical loading. We found the skeletal sensitivity to mechanical loading was reduced by up to 73% in P2X 7 R null (knock-out (KO)) mice. Release of ATP in the primary calvarial osteoblasts occurred within 1 min of onset of fluid shear stress (FSS). After 30 min of FSS, P2X 7 R-mediated pore formation was observed in wild type (WT) cells but not in KO cells. FSS increased prostaglandin (PG) E 2 release in WT cells but did not alter PGE 2 release in KO cells. Studies using MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts and MLO-Y4 osteocytes confirmed that PGE 2 release was suppressed by P2X 7 R blockade, whereas the P2X 7 R agonist BzATP enhanced PGE 2 release. We conclude that ATP signaling through P2X 7 R is necessary for mechanically induced release of prostaglandins by bone cells and subsequent osteogenesis.Mechanical loads applied to bone tissue increase bone formation and improves bone strength (1). Previous studies have suggested that several osteogenic factors, including insulin-like growth factors, transforming growth factor-, nitric oxide (NO), and prostaglandins (PGs), 3 mediate mechanically induced bone formation (2-5). PGs in particular have been intensively investigated. Numerous cell culture studies have demonstrated an increased production of PGs in osteoblasts and osteocytes subjected to fluid shear stresses (for review, see Ref. 6). Several PGs have independent anabolic effects on bone tissue. In particular PGE 2 greatly enhances the synthetic activities of osteoblasts (7).In addition to PGs, nucleotides, such as ATP and UTP, are released from cells in response to mechanical stimulation (8 -11), including osteoblasts (12, 13). These nucleotides can act as autocrine and paracrine factors through activation of purinergic (P2) Based on their molecular structure and activated signal pathways, P2 purinergic receptors are divided into two classes: P2X and P2Y (21). The P2X receptors are ligand-gated ion channels that, in general, are nonselective for monovalent cations. However, some of these receptors are also permeable to Ca 2ϩ or even anions. P2Y receptors are G proteinlinked receptors that in many cases are coupled through phospholipase C to the release of Ca 2ϩ from intracellular stores. Seven P2X subtypes and six P2Y subtypes have been identified in mammalian cells (22). The P2X 7 receptor (P2X 7 R) appears to be the most divergent member among P2X family. P2X 7 Rs have the unique ability to form large aqueous pores in the membrane, permeable to hydrophilic molecules as large as 900 Da with prolonged exposure to agonists (21). Activation of P2X 7 Rs stimulates the release of the inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1 in immune cells (23). P2X 7 R activation also results in cell membrane blebbing (24) and changes in cellular morpholo...