UDC 535.37Conformations of He-jet-cooled trimethyl [(3-indole)ethoxy]silane (TIES) have been studied using a laser spectroscopy technique in combination with quantum-chemical computations. Six probable conformers of the molecule were computed, of which only two conformations were observed. Based on an analysis of fluorescence excitation spectra, fluorescence spectra, shapes of rotational band contours at the electronic S 0 -S 1 transition of TIES, and theoretical computations, the above conformers were assigned to steric structures. Twisted structures have the lowest energy due to intramolecular hydrogen bonds C-H⋅⋅⋅O< C Si between hydrogen atoms of methyl groups and an oxygen atom and C-H⋅⋅⋅π between H and the π-electron cloud of the indole ring.Introduction. The non-classical hydrogen bond, interaction between an H atom (bound to one of the electronegative C, O, or N atoms) and the π-electron cloud of an aromatic ring, has been widely studied in the last decade. Such weak non-covalent bonds are formed intramolecularly [1-3] or intermolecularly [4,5] in van-der-Waals complexes in biological systems. Weak H-bonds should be considered when examining molecular structures of fluxional molecules and their stabilization energies. Frequencies of purely electronic S 0 -S 1 -transitions of organic molecular structures vary from units to tens of inverse centimeters [1][2][3]. This makes it possible to use jet cooling to identify these conformers. Various methods of laser UV and IR spectroscopy are used in such investigations. The preferred structures can be determined when they are combined with modern quantum-chemical computation methods.Herein we analyze the molecular structures of trimethyl[(3-indole)ethoxy]silane (TIES) and examine the effect of an intramolecular H-bond on the stabilization energy of its conformers.Experimental. Fluorescence excitation and fluorescence spectra were measured using the automated spectrometry complex that was described before [6]. The carrier gas, He at a pressure of 2 atm, was fed into a prechamber heated to 400 K that contained saturated TIES vapor. The liquid organic compound was placed into capillaries (0.75 internal diameter, 30 mm long). The number of capillaries was selected so that the optimal luminescence signal was obtained. A pulsed supersonic stream was formed by flowing the gas mixture into the vacuum chamber through a round nozzle (diameter 0.7 mm). The cooled molecules were excited by the second harmonic of a frequency-tuned dye laser at distances of 19 and 10 mm from the nozzle for recording fluorescence excitation and fluorescence spectra, respectively. The dye laser was pumped by the second harmonic of a Nd-doped yttrium-aluminum garnet laser (LOTIS TII, LS-2134). The wavelengths of the first harmonic of the dye laser were calibrated using the fluorescence excitation spectrum of iodine vapor. Integral fluorescence was recorded using a Hamamatsu R928 photoelectron multiplier. A DFS-52 monochromator with a diffraction grating (2400 lines/mm) was used to study the fluores...