Recently, depletion of gas-phase elemental Hg has been observed by several research groups after polar
sunrise in the atmospheric boundary layer in Arctic regions. At the same time Hg compounds have been
observed to accumulate in the polar snowpack. Several different oxidation reactions involving gas-phase Br
and BrO have been hypothesized to explain this process. Molecular quantum mechanical methods are here
applied to evaluate the energetics of such reactions, in both the gas phase and aqueous solution. The formation
of HgO from the reaction of Hg0 and BrO in the gas phase is found to be endothermic, but HgBr and HgBr2
can form exothermically through the oxidation of Hg0 by either Br atom radicals or Br2. The instability of
HgO has the same cause as the low stability of HgBr compared to HgBr2, i.e., the high first IP of Hg. The
calculations also indicate that HgBr2 is stable photolytically, while gas-phase HgO and HgBr are decomposed
by visible light.