Fluorescence excitation spectra of BC13 have been recorded in the range 35-140 nm (9-35 eV) using synchrotron radiation. Both resonant and non-resonant peaks are observed corresponding to neutral fragment (i.e. BC12) and parent ion (i.e. BC1 +) emission. BC12 emission results from dissociation of low-lying Rydberg states of BC13 in the energy range 9-12 eV, and at least two electronic transitions in BC12 are observed. One (in the range 400-650 nm) originates from dissociation of the 3s and 3p Rydberg states, whilst the other (in the range 250-500 nm) originates from higher members of the s, p and d Rydberg series. The emitting states in BC1 + are the I3 2E' and 1~ 2A] states with adiabatic ionization potentials of 15'3 and 17"7eV. The results are compared with vacuum UV absorption studies of BCI3, and with similar experiments on BF 3 which lead to fluorescence processes in BF 2 and BF~-.