ROBERT SMITH DIXON and VINCENT JOHN LOPATA. Can. J. Chem. 57,3023 (1979). The effect of an applied magnetic field on the fluorescence from y-irradiated solutions of perfluorobiphenyl and perfluoronaphthalene has been measured in various solvents. In all the solvents used (cyclohexane, squalane, isooctane) the fluorescence intensity increases with increasing field and tends towards a plateau at high fields (>0.1 T). At low fields, the fluorescence enhancement is smaller for the perfluorocarbons than for the parent hydrocarbons, due to the larger electron-nuclear hyperfine coupling and broader spread of the hyperfine levels in the radical ions of the perfluorocarbons. At high fields the fluorescence enhancement is also smaller for the perfluorocarbons than for the parent hydrocarbons, indicating a larger relative proportion of prompt (field-independent) fluorescence for the perfluorocarbons than for the parent hydrocarbons.ROBERT SMITH DIXON et VINCENT JOHN LOPATA. Can. J. Chem. 57,3023 (1979) On a mesure dans differents solvants I'effet d9un champ magnktique applique sur la fluoroscence provenant des soIu?ions de perfluorobiphCnyles et perfluoronaphtalenes irradites aux rayons y. Dans tous les solvants utilises (cyclohexane, squalane, isooctane) i'intensite de la fluorescence augmente avec le champ et tend vers un plateau pour des valeurs &levees du champ (> 0.1 T). Lorsque le champ est faible la fluorescence provenant des perfluorocarbures augmente plus faiblement que celle relike aux hydrocarbures apparentes. Ceci est dQ a un pius grand couplage hyperfin electron-noyau et a un etalen~ent plus vaste des niveaux hyperfins des ions radicalaires des perfluorocarbures. A champs forts I'augmentation de la fluorescence est egalement plus petite pour les perfluorocarbures que pour les hydrocarbures apparentis indiquant ainsi une plus grande proportion re!ative de Auorescence rapide (~ndependante du champ) dans le cas des perfluorocarbures que dans les cas des hydrocarbures apparentis.[Traduit par le journal]Large yields of electrons and cations are produced following absorption of ionizing radiation by a liquid. In nonpolar liquids, the major fraction of the ion pairs produced by y or electron irradiation does not separate completely but undergoes geminate recombination. This produces electronically excited singlet and triplet states, the relative yields of which have been predicted to change in an applied magnetic field (1-3). Such an effect has now been observed in both pulse (4-6) and y-irradiated (6-8) solutions of aromatic hydrocarbons in alkane solvents. Recently, experiments using the single photon counting technique have confirmed the effect (9-1 1).When a pair of solute radical ions M' and Mrecombine geminately, loss of spin correlation, i.e., a change from singlet to triplet, occurs because of the isotropic hyperfine interactions between the unpaired electrons and the hydrogen nuclei of M' and M-. A magnetic field was predicted to decrease the rate of loss of spin correlation leading to an increase in singl...