By using tryptophan scanning mutagenesis, we observed the kinetics and structure of the polymerization of tau into paired helical filaments (PHFs) independently of exogenous reporter dyes. The fluorescence exhibits pronounced blue shifts due to burial of the residue inside PHFs, depending on Trp position. The effect is greatest near the center of the repeat domain, showing that the packing is tightest near the -structure inducing hexapeptide motifs. The tryptophan response allows measurement of PHF stability made by different tau isoforms and mutants. Unexpectedly, the stability of PHFs is quite low (denaturation half-points ϳ1.0 M GdnHCl), implying that incipient aggregation should be reversible and that the observed high stability of Alzheimer PHFs is due to other factors. The stability increases with the number of repeats and with tau mutants promoting -structure, arguing for a gain of toxic function in frontotemporal dementias.
Paired helical filaments (PHFs)1 bundled into neurofibrillary tangles form one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. Their main constituent is the protein tau in a highly phosphorylated form. Tau normally functions as a microtubule-associated protein that is involved in microtubule stabilization and neurite outgrowth (1, 2). In principle, tau is one of the most soluble proteins of the brain, and therefore one of the key issues in molecular Alzheimer's research is the question of how and why tau becomes insoluble and aggregates into PHFs. To study this, one has to measure tau aggregation in vitro, and one has to develop assays to detect the aggregation rapidly and quantitatively. Such assays could then be used to study the factors that lead to tau aggregation, and to search for reagents that inhibit aggregation and could therefore be used in prevention or therapy.Human tau is coded by a single gene located on chromosome 17. Early in development there is only one isoform, the smallest "fetal" isoform htau23 (352 residues). During neuritogenesis, six main isoforms are generated in the human central nervous system by alternative splicing, the largest being htau40 (441 residues, Fig. 1) (3-5). One additional higher molecular form is generated in peripheral nerves (big tau). The six main isoforms in the central nervous system are distinguished by the presence or absence of two near-N-terminal inserts (coded by exons 2 and 3) and the second of four semi-conserved repeated motifs of 31-32 residues in the C-terminal half (coded by exon 10). One broadly distinguishes two major domains of tau, the Cterminal "assembly domain" and the N-terminal "projection domain." The assembly domain binds to microtubules through the 3 or 4 repeated motifs (R1-R4) and the adjacent prolinerich sequences; the projection domain is not involved in microtubule binding, points away from the microtubule surface, and may serve other functions that are presently not well understood. The repeat domain plays a dual role; it is not only involved in microtubule stabilization but als...