We report on an experimental and theoretical study of post-collision interaction (PCI) effects on L 2 − M 4,5 N 2,3 Auger electrons measured above the Kr K -edge in which L 2 vacancies are primarily generated by KL 2 x-ray emission. Such cascade processes, in which a deep inner-shell vacancy decays first by x-ray emission followed by Auger electron emission, is a strong decay mode in heavy atoms. The L 2 −M 4,5 N 2,3 Auger electron peak is observed to become increasingly asymmetric with a shifting peak maximum as the absorbed x-ray energy approaches the K -shell ionization threshold. This is attributed to PCI energy exchanges of the Auger electron with the 1s photoelectron.To model the PCI effects, we have applied a semiclassical approach modified to account for the combined lifetimes of the K and L 2 hole states. In addition, our analysis treats several closely spaced Auger transitions with final ionic states having different terms and angular momenta.