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Conceptual Insight (200 words max)Fluorescent nanoparticles show a range of benefits over small molecule organic dyes for use in bioimaging and optical sensing; they display superior optical properties including high photostability and brightness, and can also possess greater biocompatibility than conventional organic dyes. Current limitations to the design and fabrication of nanoparticle contrast agents include synthetic complexity, and fluorophore self-quenching within the particle. Noncovalent dye encapsulation within a preformed nanoparticle provides a simple approach to fluorescent labelling, however, dye aggregation within the particles and leaching to the external environment leads to diminished optical properties. Attempts to improve performance by covalently attaching dyes is often synthetically complex, with prevention of intraparticle quenching still more demanding. In the present study we use a fluorophore that is easily incorporated into a methacrylate monomer to demonstrate a simple one-pot route to highly emissive fluorescent nanoparticles. Fluorophore self-quenching is suppressed within these nanogel particles, leading them to outperform commonly used contrast agents.