A methodology for rapid detection and identification of microorganisms has long been of concern to the medical, pharmaceutical, and food processing fields, among others. Because of this sustaining interest the area has remained active and has seen significant advances over the classical time-consuming protocols of standard plate counting membrane filtration, or the multiple-tube fermentation procedures. However, even today these techniques can require as much as one to three days; hence, continued research is still indicated before a rapid, generalized microbial characterization scheme is to be realized.Various earlier developments have focussed upon techniques in immunofluorescence, 1-6 enzyme amplificat i~n , "~ light detection and ranging (LIDAR),9 mass spectrometry, l o bacteriophage lysis, ' ] -13 computer-assisted probabilistic methods, 14-18 the recently developing field of gel ferrography,'9120 and the double fluorescent DNA staining method coupled to flow cytometry.21 Each of these techniques is limited by disadvantages such as laborious and time-consuming laboratory preparation and sample handling, long observation times, and nonspecificity with respect to bacterial characterization and subsequent identification.The present investigation, which we believe to offer the possibilities of speed, sensitivity, and specie identification to the process of microorganism detection, is embraced in the following equation:This method combines several attractive experimental features. These include (1) exploitation of the particular enzymatic/metabolic machinery of the cell by an added substrate in which a predetermined reaction takes place;(2) the product fluorescence which can be used to indicate a positive cellular response; and (3) rapid data collection and analysis under 30 min. Equation (1) presents various modes of biochemical strategy in order to uniquely characterize a given bacterium or small group of bacteria. The technique pinpoints the identity of a particular enzyme that is indigenous to the bacteria themselves through several experimental avenues. In one instance, for the same bacterial enzyme a series of chemically similar substrates (e.g., esters) can be utilized to generate unique reaction rates and, thus, associated product fluorescence. Another scheme involves sequentially using a series of substrates in order to trigger the various potential enzymatic reactions that can occur within the bacterium. The present experimental format exploits the former procedure.The first-order nature of the experimental fluorescence producing chemistry in this work suggests the MichaelisMenten data analysis approach as most attractive. Precedence for applying Michaelis-Menten kinetics to enzymatic processes in vivo (i.e., reactions occurring in the intact, living cell) has been previously documented in the l i t e r a t~r e~~.~~ although the theory, strictly speaking, was initially developed for enzymatic processes occurring in vitro .The specific reaction examined was the hydrolysis of the substrate diacetylfluore...