Am ethodology allowing the preparation of aldols featuring af luorinated stereogenic center is reported. Thec orresponding fluoroenolates are formed in situ from stable b,b-difluoro-a-(trimethylsilyl)alcohols,t hrough ab ase-mediated process involving aB rook rearrangement followed by af luoride elimination, and are directly added to aromatic aldehydes.T wo different sets of conditions were disclosed. Thef irst one involves the stoichiometric addition of potassium tert-butoxide (t-BuOK) while the second is based on the use of ac atalytic amount of an ammonium phenoxide.T he latter opens the way for ac atalytic and asymmetric version of this Brook/elimination/aldol reaction( BEAR) sequence.Keywords: aldol reaction; Brook rearrangement; fluorine;organocatalysis;s tereogenic centers Since the disclosure of fluorouracila nd of fluorinated corticosteroids in the 1950s,t he presence of fluorine atoms in bioactive molecules has considerably increased, with as trong acceleration during the last twenty years. [1,2] Up to 20% of the drugs and 30% of the agrochemicals launched every yearsince 2000f eature af luorinated group in their structure, and the proportion is evenh igher for top-selling drugs.[3] The singular properties of the fluorine atom and of the C À Fb ond often allow interesting modulations of the behaviouro ft hese molecules,w hich go from ah igher metabolic stability to an increased activity.[4] Thed evelopment of synthetic methodologies for the preparation of fluorinated organic molecules hast hus become am ajor goal in modern organic chemistry. Thei nvestigation of direct electrophilic or nucleophilic fluorination as well as difluoromethylation and trifluoromethylation reactions is stillaprivileged research field.[5] However, the use of reactive, partially fluorinated building blocks often offersi nteresting alternatives with ah igher flexibility and ag reater moleculard iversity.F luorinated enol ethers ande nolates are representativeo ft his strategy since they allow the introduction of af luorinated carbonyl moiety through an aldol reaction.[6] Thee fficiency of aldolo rR eformatsky reactions to provide monofluorinated aldols has been demonstrated. [7] However, there are only few examples of aldol reactions providing monofluorinated adducts featuring at etrasubstituted stereogenic center. [8,9] Moreover, among all these examples,d irect aldol reactions often require the use of strong bases while Mukaiyama aldol reactions involve poorly stable fluorinated silyl enol ethers.W ew ish to present herein an ew methodologya llowing the preparation of new aldols featuring af luorinated tetrasubstituted stereogenic center, and proceeding throught he mild in situ generation of the enolate from as table precursor. [10,11] While studying for other purposes the addition of difluoromethyllithium compounds onto electrophiles, we were intriguedb yt he results obtained in the reaction between 1 and acetyltrimethylsilane 2a.[12]Indeed, we expected that such an addition wouldl ead directlyt ot he corresponding m...